Pioneering the Way for a new MedTech Generation

5 min readDec 6, 2022


Innovate Health Tallaght University Hospital (TUH)

Hospitals & HealthCare

- WordPress
- IHTUH AWS Server

- Discovery Workshops
- Stakeholder & Industry Interviews
- Collaborative Definition workshops
- Brand lexicon or shared language
- Brand mantra
- Visual brand assets
- UI Design
- UX Design
- Brandmark
- Colour palette
- Typography
- Design system
- Photography & video style guides
- Social templates

- Benchmarks and best practice examples
- Concept Design & UI Prototype
- Design Presentation
- User Testing
- UI Library & Documentation

- Front End Development
- Back End Integration
- Content Editorialisation
- User Acceptance Testing
- WP CMS training for TUH users

In 2021 Tallaght University Hospital (TUH) launched an internal hub dedicated to the innovation of healthcare, this space supports developmental healthcare testing and projects.

Tallaght University Hospital Foundation (TUHF) & TUH teamed up with WONDR to give the innovation hub its own branding, encompassing naming, identity, visual language and digital experience, developing a vibrant digital brand that represents the depth of expertise in the innovation centre’s team leadership and the centre’s success to date.

WONDR developed a vibrant, digital-first innovation brand and supporting digital experience that captures the unique offering of an Innovation Centre, positioned within a leading healthcare facility. By giving the centre a brand allows TUH to attract commercial interest, inspire internal innovation and attract international investment.

01. Creative Strategy

Innovation at its Core

Naturally, the first deliverable for the project was naming and strategy.

For this WONDR teamed up with Ringers who conducted a number of interviews & workshops with key TUH stakeholders & industry experts to gain a better understanding of the current view around the innovation centre and the overall aim.

After the interviews were conducted a book of discovery was presented to the hospital to show them the vision and the direction the brand would be taking. We then used the book of discovery to create a first draft of the brand lexicon and mantra.

Here we began to see the brand taking shape.

02. Brand Name & Definition

Tallaght University Hospital & Innovate Health

After taking everything learned in discovery and distilling it down into a shared language and brand idea, we turned our collective attention to developing the audience-facing expression of the TUH Innovation Centre’s purpose and values.

Naming the hub ‘Innovate Health Tallaght University Hospital’, the new brand aims to showcase the power of innovation, and the innovation centre’s aim of revolutionalising healthcare here and across the globe. Opening infinite potential for medical professionals and the industry itself; to push boundaries, find new solutions, and in return deliver best-in-class care.

From there the creative team set to work designing and delivering the new brand’s identity, visual language, and styles. In keeping with the name and the target audience, a fresh vibrant colour palette, contemporary typography and unique brandmark were created.

03. Digital Experience

Healthcare Experts. Everyday Understanding.

Innovate Health TUH is a progressive brand that is growing and expanding its offering. As a result, it needed to bring stature and depth to its brand through a new website.

With the name, identity, creative concept and visual language established, we turned our attention to the digital experience. It became clear that this was an opportunity to showcase the level of experience of the Innovate Health team and transform it into an engaging, contemporary experience.

As visitors land on the site, they are encouraged to learn more about Innovate Health’s aims and team through informational pages and case studies. This experience allowed us to effortlessly communicate the brand’s proposition and tangible benefits. In addition to the case studies and stakeholder pages, a robust digital publishing system was incorporated into the website. This provides the brand with an editorialised platform through which to house and share their latest projects and updates.

The digital experience was designed to not only to be informative, but engaging following WONDR’s ethos of ‘Clarity & Bravery’ bringing an everyday understanding of complex information.

WONDR’s team were given a list of objectives including designing & developing a new website to articulate the brand vision, convey the depth of expertise within Innovate Health’s team leadership & the centre’s success to date, profile alumni technology ideas & partnerships al well as providing clear and concise access to stakeholders on how they can work with the brand.

View the Website.

Find Out More

If you would like to learn more about the Innovate Health Tallaght University Hospital project or speak to us about a commission please contact:


Originally published at




A Digital Product Practice — Accelerated innovation comes from clarity & bravery.